Native American Concerns Group
The Native American Concerns group serves as a resource and community base for Native counselors and those who work with Native populations.
The Native American Concerns group (NAC) focuses on the events, therapeutic practices, theories, research, and training affecting the mental and behavioral wellness of indigenous populations in the United States and Canada.
The Native American Concerns group actively supports Native voices in research and provides advocacy for Native counseling issues. It is a resource and community base for Native counselors and those who serve Native populations. We contribute to the discourse through peer-reviewed articles, position statements, letters of support, presentations, and social media. These efforts hope to further promote cultural humility and responsible practices.
NAC has paved a pathway of land acknowledgements within ACA and its subdivisions. This has been experienced by land acknowledgements being delivered at the ACA annual conferences as well as divisions offering them at the beginning of meetings, conferences, and virtual events. The value of land acknowledgements are to honor and recognize the people who cared for and lived on the land prior to the violent invasion and occupation which led to massive trauma and loss. In addition to its intention of raising awareness and increasing multicultural competencies, it promotes healing through decolonizing misinformation from colonized education systems which perpetuate oppression and inequality.
There are over 580 Federally recognized tribes and nations in the US and 92 Indigenous Nations in Canada. In the US the commonly used general language is Native, Native American, Alaskan Native, as well as American Indian. In Canada the common general language is First Nation, Inuit, Métis, Aboriginal, and Indigenous. NAC honors the rich diversity within Indian Country, the strength and resilience forged while resisting centuries of colonization, and the sovereignty of native nations. We join the circle of those who occupy and have occupied spaces to ensure the Native culture, language, and way of life.